See also: Czech Republic | Poland | Hungary | Romania | Bulgaria | Croatia | Slovenia | Russia | Lithuania

Cross-cultural training: Slovakia


Our services

Our cross-cultural trainings aim at facilitating the stay and professional integration in Slovakia of expatriates. They can take place anywhere, in English, French or Spanish.

Main goals

  • answer specific questions and be attentive to the trainee’s concerns
  • bring to light the main particularities of the Slovak culture
  • Presentation of grids, facts & figures
  • Overview of the cultural particularities that may affect business relationships
  • Offering a comprehensive framework for understanding Slovaks at work
  • Current state of affairs in Slovakia and future of its economic environment
  • Insight into what motivates and drives Slovakians in the business world
  • Tips for successful business relations with Slovakian colleagues, clients and suppliers
  • Overview of the potential challenges one may face while doing business in Slovakia and practical solutions to overcome them

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